Alternate title - Why I Need a Boob Job.
I am currently nursing my baby. Like right now as I type on my phone there is a baby sustaining life with a product of my body. This is something I enjoy throwing in my husbands face on a frequent basis.
Brett - did you get a chance to find that paper work I need for our re-fi?
Me - no, I was busy all day producing milk to keep our baby alive!
Clearly, I win. What did he do all day? Work to earn money to feed me and the other three kids? Doubtful.
I wasn't always the pro-boob mom that I am today. While I did nurse all four of my children I must admit that it has taken some time for me to "get" it. And by "get it" I mean actually want to do it.
When I had Peter five years ago I told myself that I would nurse him for 12 weeks. And that is exactly how long, to the day, that I nursed him and I hated every minute. No one told me that it hurt, or that there was a such thing as nursing covers. God forbid the crazy strangers who feel the need to give you advice in the shopping market actually give you tips you will need!!!
"Hey lady, when that baby pops out make sure you have a truck full of Lanolin to lather on your chapped nipples!" - advice I could have used.
When Aaron came along I had discovered nursing covers. This was a game changer. Nursing was a traumatic and mortifying experience with Peter, so it only happened in the privacy of my own bedroom. With Aaron I could nurse anywhere. And I did. Right in the middle of Fair Oaks Mall? Check! I was positive that everyone was staring, they weren't.
I nursed Aaron for about 4 months. And even though I had my cover to protect my modesty, I never enjoyed it or felt bonded to him because of it. The minute I got mastitis I was done and happy to give him bottles of formula.
By the time I was pregnant with Campbell, something had changed in me. Whether it was knowing other moms who could give me advice or just being more confident as a mom myself I was hell bent on nursing her for a minimum of a year.
Then she shows up and refuses to nurse under a cover. Oh and she was a biter. And I got thrush and mastitis and she just about chewed one of my nipples off. But dammit she wasn't going to break me. I got her to ten months before my milk supply dried up from pregnancy and she lost interest. She weened herself in two days and I was actually heart broken when she stopped. Even though nursing Campbell was tough, I did enjoy it. We did bond.
Now four kids later I finally get it. Besides all the health benefits (which you never had to sell me on. That stuff is like a miracle cure for everything), nursing is my only alone time to enjoy my baby.
You know, unless Campbell is awake, in which case she sits ON TOP of the baby while he nurses. It is super fun.
It's a wonderful journey! Good luck getting to your goal :)