"Do you wanna know what its like to have a fourth [child]? Just imagine you're drowning, and then someone hands you a baby... I haven't slept in 7 years." - Jim Gaffigan

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


With dollar and note from the tooth fairy.


Aaron is a surprisingly good reader for his age (4). It is surprising because I don't really work with him on reading; we just taught him letter sounds and he did the rest by memorizing.

Since he loves to read, he frequently reads to his sister. Today he was reading an ABC book to her. On one page each letter was printed on a pop-out door that opened reviling a word that begins with that letter.

Aaron opened each door for Campbell, but was stumped by the "N". Finally he said, "This is N for... Nenu?"

I think that much like breakfast and lunch make "brunch;" notebook and menu must make "nenu."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sick days aren't so bad when you are on vacation and get to snuggle with this sweet boy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Shopping with Dad

Brett took the boys grocery shopping tonight. When they got home they ran up to me to explain that their father did not knowing how to shop or follow the rules.

Peter - dad just walks around in circles because he doesn't know where anything is.

Aaron - we were only half good and half bad but dad still got us a treat.

I don't think I ever have to worry about babysitters who "allow" things that I say are against the rules with these two around.

Lovey Lamb

When Peter was about 22 months old I had had enough with his pacifier. Problem was I also had an 11 month old who still wanted a pacifier. Solution - make both of the boys go cold turkey. Peter got over it eventually, but Aaron had no problems, because he was far more attached to his favorite toy - Lovey Lamb.

Lovey Lamb is one of those stuffed animal heads (a lamb) with a mini blanket as a body. Aaron received it at his dedication from our Pastor's wife, and very quickly Lovey Lamb took on a life of his own.

Aaron talks through Lovey Lamb, blames him for bad behavior, and dragged him everywhere for years. When I had maternity photos taken two years ago, Peter, Aaron AND Lovey Lamb were in the photos. At 3 years old we insisted that Lovey Lamb never leave the house after losing him several times at beaches, malls and parks. We also tried unsuccessfully to replace Lovey Lamb on numerous occasions, but Aaron could not be fooled. Many family members and friends have suggested "losing" Lovey Lamb on purpose, but much like Campbell's pacifier, I have too many kids to deal with to take away the things that they use to self sooth.

So, I live with Lovey Lamb and "his" shrill voice, rag-like appearance and dingy smell, even though he is a constant source of frustration as we search for him in Aaron's bedding before bedtime every night.

That's why tonight when I heard Peter laughing at Aaron's expense (while Aaron cried uncontrollably) I had to laugh with an evil satisfaction when I walked into the room and saw this:


Snow bunnies.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

Crafternoon Gone Bad

I don't have any training in military torture tactics but I think I water boarded my 17 month old today. Let me explain.

In the afternoons I like to do crafts. If you are my Facebook friend you have probably seem me post photos through the years enjoying "crafternoon" with my kids. In all the photos my kids are happy and neatly doing their crafts. What isn't photoed is what typically takes place when I put the camera down. Total freaking chaos.

Crafternoon has become less crafting and more reading books while mommy counts down the minutes until Brett gets home since Steven was born. Today I got my act together and set up crafts before we picked up Peter from school.

My goals were to let the boys make bibs for my God son, have all three kids put their hand print on Steven's "V" and let Campbell make hand prints to use for her valentines.

Everything started out great. The boys were working well independently, and Campbell was loving making her hand prints with my assistance. Steven was being and angel and sitting quietly in his car seat.

But after I Campbell finished and I cleaned her up she was thirsty for more. Fine, sit in the high chair. Paper. Tempra paint. Water proof bib. Good to go.

Then Aaron starts screaming. The arms of his sweat shirt are covered in fabric paint (I should have rolled those up - my bad). I remove the sweat shirt and run it to the sink for a useless attempt to clean it off.

As I come back from the bathroom sink Peter is walking toward me, wet painted bib in hand. In the process of running to stop him from touching anything I trip over the coarsest, waking up the baby who starts screaming. At that moment I notice Campbell. Bib is on the floor (covered in paint on my carpet), she has finger painted her face, hair, high chair. Awesome. 

Stick the pacifier in Steven's mouth, grab Campbell and throw her in the bath. And that is how I came to water board my poor baby as I scrubbed and poured water over her head trying to get the red out.

At least the projects were successful.

Bibs for baby MJ:

Hand print "V" for Steven's nursery (the other letters were decorated by myself and my kid's God Mothers):

Valentines from Campbell:


You can dress them up, but you can't stop them from falling in the mud.

Family Dynamics

Peter brought home a picture he had made in art class. It was two people (a man and a woman), so I assumed it might be Brett and me.

Me - Peter, did you make a picture of of Daddy and me (holding up the picture I had found in his backpack)?

Peter - no, that is Jesus's parents.

Me - oh, Mary and Joseph?

Peter - NO, his PARENTS. Mary and GOD. Joseph was just Mary's husband, not the dad. You know mommy, sometimes moms and dads don't live together and the moms marry someone else.

Apparently, the concept of immaculate conception is lost on my child, but divorce isn't.

In related stories, Brett reaction to the picture/conversation? "I didn't know God had a mustache!"

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Month Two - Sweets

Last month the small change I made to lose weight was drinking nothing but water.

Here are the stats -

January 1: 182 pounds
February 1: 178 pounds

Drinking nothing but water was only difficult for me because I crave milk. Seriously no booze, coffee or pop is a breeze, but I need my milk. However, milk was not what I drank when I cheated in January. I drank a beer before a flight (I'm a very nervous flier), and I drank a few Gatorades when I had a 24 hour stomach bug.

A lot of people have asked if I will continue only drinking water. No. I will go back to drinking my cup of milk in the morning and will seriously limit drinking other high calorie beverages.

For February my small change is giving up sweets. Being pregnant gives me a major sweet tooth, so I am in the habit of eating desserts now. During the month of February I will not eat (or drink) any desserts/candy/chocolate/etc.

I'm already craving a brownie sundae.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Copy Cat

Brett just told me the following story.  After school the other day he had the following conversation with our oldest son, Peter.

Brett - Did you learn anything new in school today?

Peter - I learn new words by copying what other people say.

Brett - That's interesting, can you give me an example?

Peter - (mimicking Brett's voice) That's interesting, can you give me an example?


Baby shower for Sarah and Baby MJ.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Three months old today!

Pinterest Worthy?

When I created this blog my goal was to incorporate a few elements of my life...

1. Day to day nonsense that happens in our life. Funny stories, milestones, and rants that go along with being a mom.

2. Daily photo. Just to capture a moment from our day.

3. Parenting commentary. Tips and observations that I've learned on my journey.

4. Progress reports as I struggle to get back my girlish figure.

And last but not least -

5. "Pin-spirations" - projects, recipes and more that I found and tried on my favorite time suck website, Pinterest.

Obviously, if you have been following this blog you know that I haven't done #5 yet, but I'm working on a project (a felt rug made out of fabric scraps) and will be posting about it when I'm done.

In the mean time, I thought I'd post about a project I did this morning. It wasn't inspired by Pinterest (actually I got the idea from my kids' pediatrician's office), but it seems like something I would find pinned on my "Party Ideas" board.

I am Co-Hosting a baby shower tomorrow and (like most showers have) we will be playing some games during the shower. At most showers I go to there aren't enough working pens to go around when those "Unscramble These Words About Baby" quizzes start circling the room.

At the last shower I threw I made sure to bring a cup full of pens with me, but this time I wanted to jazz it up a bit.  At my kids' pediatrician's office their pens are taped to flowers so no one will steal them.  Brilliant!

I headed to the $1 Store and picked up fake flowers, three glass vases and pens (I already had duct tape at home, or that also would have been on my list).

All I had to do was cut the stems of the flowers off of the bundles of flowers, and tape them to the end of each pen:

Finished product

Once I was finished I had three centerpieces (I used 40 pens).  I didn't take a photo when I was completely finished, but I also added a ribbon around the next of each vase and glass marbles at the bottom to make them look a little more festive.

Pretty and useful all in one - love that!