"Do you wanna know what its like to have a fourth [child]? Just imagine you're drowning, and then someone hands you a baby... I haven't slept in 7 years." - Jim Gaffigan

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I like to call myself the "CAPS MOM"

My license tags say "CAPS MOM" as does my Washington Capitals jersey; but some how a lot of my friends still haven't gotten it.

Most people figure it is because I am obsessed with the Washington Capitals, and that is true, but it goes deeper than that.

C. A. P. S. are the first initials of my children's names.

Yes, we did that on purpose.

Yes, we are that crazy.  And by "we" I mean it was all me, my husband was just along for the ride.

Child #1 - P (for Peter)

Peter was named after my father, who had passed away the year before my son was born.

His name was easy to pick.  His brother, was more of an argument.

Child #2 - A (for Aaron)

When we found out we were having a second boy, I wanted to name him Steven - my father-in-law's name.  This is also Brett's middle name and for some reason he was against it (obviously, I have now won that battle).

When I was pregnant with baby #2 we were both pretty set on the name "Aiden," but there was one problem.  Brett wanted to spell it H-A-Y-D-E-N, and pronounce the name "Aiden."  I thought that was absolutely absurd, so named him Aaron.

OK, if you want the whole story, I watched a whole lot of LOST DVDs during that pregnancy and when Claire named her island baby "Aaron" I thought it sounded good.  Plus, it was Elvis Presley's middle name.  Look it up if you don't believe me.

It was right around this time that I realized that we were 50% to spelling my favorite team's name, and (once I strong armed Brett into naming our potential third son, "Steven") we would be 75% there; so there was a 100% chance that I was going to go for it.

Thankfully, I have a very tolerant (and very fertile) husband.

Child #3 - C (for Campbell)

When we got pregnant with our third baby we knew two things: if it was a boy, his name would be "Steven;" if it was a girl, her name would start with a "C" (so we could leave the "S" open for a potential future boy to be named Steven).

Within 12 hours of learning that we were having a girl we had picked three potential names for our daughter: Campbell, Cecelia, and Charlie (apparently, we like boy names a lot).

Then we let our boys (who were almost 3 and almost 4 years old at the time) pick between the three names.

Thankfully, they agreed on one name, and named their sister Campbell.

Child #4 - S (for Steven)

I don't really think this needs anymore explanation, you get the point.


C-A-P-S Caps! Caps! Caps!

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