"Do you wanna know what its like to have a fourth [child]? Just imagine you're drowning, and then someone hands you a baby... I haven't slept in 7 years." - Jim Gaffigan

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fantasy Land

Brett and I took our 4 tired children to Target tonight after dinner. Seems like a fun time, right? Not so much.

The three that are mobile were running in all directions, touching everything and making more noise than we would like them to in public. Half way through, the baby woke up screaming. We wondering if it was really worth finishing our shopping trip or if we should abandon the cart and quit while we are ahead. We stuck it out and ran to the check out the minute we had everything on our list.

After packing the kids into the car we closed all the doors and stood together at the back bumper of our mini van to play a little game we like to call "let's pretend we don't have kids."

Me - I can't wait to get in our expensive sports car and go for a quiet drive.

Brett - Let's go home to our clean house.

Me - I have an idea, let's open a couple bottles of wine and get tipsy.

Brett - Sure, we will just sleep in tomorrow.

Me - And can we plan a super expensive romantic vacation too?

Brett - Sure! Let's plan two.

Then we make out for a second or two (that's right PDA in the Target parking lot - deal with it), then we get back into our mini van and back to reality.

Obviously we don't remember what it is like to not have kids, but we assume this is how real couples talk.

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